26 september 2020 0 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws (30): Ganymede + Psyche and the Eagle of Zeus Ganymedes voedt de arend (1e eeuws Romeins reliëf) (foto Wikipedia) The Macaws (30): Ganymede + Psyche and [...]
17 augustus 2020 0 Cor Hendriks – Lock Step in Lock Down: het plan voor werelddominantie Om te zien of Robert Jensen een nieuwe video heeft uitgebracht, maak ik gebruik van de zoekmachine van [...]
15 april 2020 0 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws (28): The eagle on the tree and the snake beneath The Captain Black – Eagle X Snake (foto ilmarinaio.wordpress) In the Gilgamesh epos, in a text called [...]
15 maart 2020 0 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws (26): The Herculean Tasks and the Magic Flight [cf ATU 313B] (1) In the RUssian tale of ‘Vassilissa the Wise’ Ivan, the son of the merchant, goes on his way to the Tsar [...]
19 januari 2020 0 Cor Hendriks – The Riddle What Women Desire: King Arthur and the Quest for the Red Pill Carl Benjamin, the outspoken commentator of the YouTube channel Akkad Daily, made recently a video, called [...]
2 januari 2020 2 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws (22): The Magic Horse | ATU 531 (4) + PDF That Johanan understood the language of animals is a motif also present in a Greek version (of ATU 531), [...]
20 november 2019 3 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws (19): The Magic Horse ATU 531 (1) The story of the stolen eyes can serve as the beginning of a new tale (ATU 531), in the German version ‘The [...]
10 oktober 2019 5 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws (17): The Golden Bird The motif of the feather that fell from the Phoenix is very well known in folktales. It can be found in the [...]
9 september 2019 4 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws (15): Fabulous Birds & The Bet with King Solomon Clouston treats in a short space the bird Roc (Rûkh), Garuda of the Hindus, Eorosh of the Zend, Simurgh of [...]
24 augustus 2019 6 Cor Hendriks – The Macaws (14): The Eagle and the Snake in AT 301 (conclusion) In the Midrash Kohelet there is a story about a man returning from Babylon, who sees two birds quarrel, one [...]