17 april 2020 0 aplanetruth 4u – NO Way Back | 20 year FEMA Officer Lays Out The VERY Long Planned “GREAT RESET” Agenda The WORLD has been CHANCELLED (foto David Icke) The individual is handicapped (foto Niburu) Published on 4 [...]
15 april 2020 0 ITNJ | International Tribunal for Natural Justice – Emergency Tribunal Hearing: Corona Virus Pandemic and the Planetary Shutdown Gepubliceerd on 8 apr. 2020 On the 7th April 2020, the International Tribunal for Natural Justice held an [...]
9 april 2020 0 Truth Stream Media – Look Who’s Coming to the Rescue! + Indian in the machine – Retro Photos Of Bill Gates + Vinod Abraham – Citizens protest against Military presence + aplanetruth 4u – Arrested Bill Gates met Mark [...]
2 april 2020 0 History Channel – The Hidden Glory of Petra (Documentary) + Amazing Places on Our Planet – Petra, Jordan + Bright Insight | Lost Ancient Civilizations: Inside The LOST CITY of Petra Lost City of Petra (foto YouTube) Stereo Photograph of Petra (gif tenor.com) The Hidden Glory of Petra [...]
21 maart 2020 0 DAHBOO777 – Planet Trump: Magazine Illustrates Judgement of America In Tarot Cards + A Call For An Uprising – HOW THE iLLUMiNATi CARD GAME TOLD US THIS WAS ALL GOING TO HAPPEN Judgement | Donald Trump holding look alike Crown jewels of Queen Elizabeth II Coronation portrait of Queen [...]
11 augustus 2019 1 Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet ✔ + Enchanted LifePath – Epstein’s Underground (S.C.A.B) | Submarines Trafficking Kids? + Epstein Given Oxygen An Hour AFTER Jail Suicid Paul Joseph Watson @PrisonPlanet ✔ Dead men tell no tales. #Epstein Dead men tell no tales. #Epstein [...]
12 december 2018 0 Frans Timmermans 🇪🇺 @TimmermansEU_ + Mattijs Bakker @BakkMatt + @TAQ de rechtse realist. @Taqiyyadevries1 + Prisonplanet 🇳🇱 @Mayonaise100 + Helmut Hoorn @reggiederakker Frans Timmermans 🇪🇺 @TimmermansEU_ Frans Timmermans 🇪🇺 heeft geretweet Rob [...]
14 november 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – November 12, 2018: “Jesus Christ to marry Asian Goddess” as East-West secret societies agree to save planet For the first time in history, Eastern and Western secret societies have agreed to work together for the [...]
28 augustus 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford: August 27, 2018: U.S. civil war stalemate to end soon; Next phase of planetary liberation to begin The death, probably by execution, of the traitor John McCain, signals a new phase in the removal of the [...]
31 juli 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – July 30, 2018: The secret history of the planet Earth from 2000 to 2018 As we prepare for what may be the final autumn offensive that finally overthrows the Khazarian mafia cabal, [...]