29 december 2015 0 Jolande van der Graaf – Kopstukken schilderijenschandaal verhoord HOORN – De extreemrechtse, Oekraïense politicus Oleh Tyhanybok – vermeend brein achter de handel in [...]
18 december 2015 0 Theo Knippenberg – De Bulkboeken: Woman is the Nigger of the World (uit: Bulkboek van de maand februari 2008) Al eerder heb ik op deze plek verteld hoe ik Joost Zwagerman ontmoette. Hij zat bij mij achter in de auto. En [...]
24 november 2015 3 AMENSTOP PRODUCTIONS – Ring Of Power (Full Length Documentary) Ring Of Power (foto YouTube) Ring Of Power (Full Length Documentary) Published on Jun 18, 2014 From the [...]
21 oktober 2015 5 SGT Report – THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad UPDATE As I stated in my full interview with [...]
25 mei 2015 2 Michael Krieger – Before You Buy That Rothko…How the CIA Covertly Nurtured Modern Art as a Cold War “Weapon” “For decades in art circles it was either a rumor or a joke, but now it is confirmed as a fact. The [...]
24 mei 2015 2 Frances Stonor Saunders – Modern art was CIA ‘weapon’ Revealed: how the spy agency used unwitting artists such as Pollock and de Kooning in a cultural Cold War For [...]