24 mei 2015 2 Frances Stonor Saunders – Modern art was CIA ‘weapon’ Revealed: how the spy agency used unwitting artists such as Pollock and de Kooning in a cultural Cold War For [...]
11 mei 2015 0 Ancient Origins – The Legendary Sword in the Stone of San Galgano One of the most famous English legends is that of King Arthur and the sword in the stone. According to the [...]
3 mei 2015 0 Catherine O’Dolan – Miffy Art Parade We’ve always considered Miffy to be a bunny of considerable stature, despite her diminutive dimensions. To [...]
2 mei 2015 0 American Foreign Relations – The Domino Theory The Domino Theory The 1960’s, High Tide of the Domino Theory The period from the early to the mid [...]
16 april 2015 2 Keiko Sei – Anger and Appropriation “Anger interests me. Probably because it reveals not-masked part of people. And probably because I grew [...]
14 april 2015 0 Glenn O’Brien – Dommelsch Is Really Gonna Make It When I think about the possibility today of what used to be called an art movement, I think about what ROB [...]
31 maart 2015 0 Eileen Kinsella – New Copyright Law Threatens to Put Artists Like Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons in Jail Have you been following the increasingly alarming changes to copyright provisions? Europe seems to be leading [...]
16 maart 2015 1 Piet Augustijn – Frank Borst: een wereldreis naar binnen Interview with Frank Borst in June 2014 in Fjoezzz Magazine Kort na de aanslag op de Twin Towers in New York [...]
28 december 2014 0 Józef Szajna – CHOICES AND ATTITUDES I was born in 1922 in Rzeszów [Poland]. During my late school years I was imaginative, but I was an average [...]
8 november 2014 0 Tobias Fischer – Interview with Zeno van den Broek About the importance of being a cultural and theoretical glutton. These days, originality appears to be the [...]