19 juli 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – July 16, 2018: Will the Jews finally be freed from Khazarian mafia slavery as Israel is liberated? The world is headed for a new age, not a New World Order. As a part of this, the Jewish people – high [...]
7 juli 2018 0 Cor Hendriks – De Babylonokia Hoax (9): 31 december | de tweede topdag van de hype 31 december, de laatste dag van 2015, was ook de tweede topdag van de hype, die nauwelijks onderdeed voor de [...]
21 juni 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – June 18, 2018: Rebirth of Manchuria plotted as Europe faces summer of discontent Once again the world faces a long hot summer of discontent, with the major action likely to be in Europe and [...]
1 mei 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – April 30, 2018: Big showdown expected in Middle East as end game approaches for Saudi Israelia Peace in the Korean Peninsula means the Khazarian mafia is now pulling out all stops in an effort to start [...]
22 maart 2018 0 Gilbert Doctorow – US Raises White Flag, Wants Talks With Russia Over Arms Race When you are 10 years behind behind the competition, making a deal is probably your best move… One can say [...]
24 januari 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – January 22, 2018: Future of World Being Negotiated in Next Two Weeks as Super Blue Blood Moon Approaches The shutdown of the U.S. government over the weekend is likely to become permanent as top-level negotiations [...]
23 december 2016 0 Peter Korzun – US Army Deploys Tanks to Europe Ratcheting Up Tensions with Russia On December 16, US tanks and armor vehicles arrived in the Netherlands to be deployed in a storage depot [...]
12 augustus 2016 6 Jane Grey – JFK Jr. Told The World Who Murdered His Father: But Nobody Was Paying Attention JFK Jr versus George Bush (foto Twitter) JFK Jr Told The World Who Murdered His Father: But Nobody Was Paying [...]
5 mei 2016 1 Nafeez Ahmed – GOOGLE: Conceived, Funded and Directed By The CIA (Part 2) Why Google made the NSA Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet [...]
21 oktober 2015 5 SGT Report – THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad UPDATE As I stated in my full interview with [...]