12 december 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – December 10, 2018: Secret war centers on SWIFT after George Bush Sr. is executed Since the death of Nazi Fourth Reich Fuhrer George Bush Sr., the battle for control of the world’s [...]
19 november 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – November 16, 2018: Letters to the Editor: Victory of the Light Letters to the Editor: Victory of the Light Gepubliceerd op 16 nov. 2018 Letters to the Editor: Victory of [...]
14 november 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – November 12, 2018: “Jesus Christ to marry Asian Goddess” as East-West secret societies agree to save planet For the first time in history, Eastern and Western secret societies have agreed to work together for the [...]
5 oktober 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – October 1, 2018: Desperate Khazarian Mafia Is Plotting a Fake Alien invasion as Trump Assassination Fails The Khazarian mafia is planning a fake alien invasion after their most recent attempt to assassinate U.S. [...]
28 augustus 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford: August 27, 2018: U.S. civil war stalemate to end soon; Next phase of planetary liberation to begin The death, probably by execution, of the traitor John McCain, signals a new phase in the removal of the [...]
16 augustus 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – August 6, 2018: Secret societies, secret services and religions: The current balance of power The secret war for the planet earth has been intensifying and is headed for some sort of climax. For that [...]
31 juli 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – July 30, 2018: The secret history of the planet Earth from 2000 to 2018 As we prepare for what may be the final autumn offensive that finally overthrows the Khazarian mafia cabal, [...]
29 juli 2018 3 Henry Makow – Things are Looking Up In The Invasion of the Body Snatchers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_the_Body_Snatchers), (1956) [...]
1 juli 2018 0 Lesley Terry – THE BLACK ‘SKULL AND BONES’: The “Boule” Membership in the Masonic “Boule” is about blacks selling out their people for personal gain. The [...]
23 mei 2018 0 Benjamin Fulford – May 21, 2018: Trump’s universal trade war declaration is bringing events to a head U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of trade war with just about everybody is really just a case of [...]