Operation Disclosure Official | TerraZetzz | Kat Anonup – Update(S) Brunson versus Adams, This is your Chance + Nesara Gesara | Juan O Savin – Can You Do It?

Update(S) Brunson versus Adams, This is your Chance KatIstheSea3 @katisthesea3 https://anonup.com/@KatistheSea3 December 9, 2022 AMICUS BRIEF Re BRUNSON versus ADAMS Here S A “Print “ Sign N Send” AMICUS BRIEF as Mentioned by Juan O Savin. FWIW I Think It would Be Great if They were All Personalized Different, But If You re Short on Time, I Believe They Think This will Help the Cause. This Version has the Initial Typos Fixed Double Check Your Version! Click to Access BrunsonV2.pdf PLEASE SEND TO Supreme Court of the United States 1 First Street, NE Washington DC 204543 ALSO SEND A COPY TO Loy & Raland Brunson 4287 South Harris Blvd.#132 Ogden, UT 84403 Thank you, TX Tulip BRUNSON versus ALMA S. ADAMS et al http://ralandbrunson.com/History/History.html BRUNSON BROTHERS WEB SITE https://7discoveries.com “Faith Without Works is Dead.” James, 2:26 #MiraclesHappen KatIstheSea3 @katisthesea3 https://anonup.com/@KatistheSea3 December 9, 2022 JUAN O SAVIN Patriot Party News CALL TO ACTION SEND BRUNSON AMICUS BRIEF TO SCOTUS Juan On the back side of the envelope, on the flap put where you heard about the Brunsons & what state you’re in. ALL OVER THE WORLD YOU’RE AFFECTED  BY WHAT HAPPENED IN THIS VOTE.. I WANT THOSE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES TO KNOW THAT … Meer lezen over Operation Disclosure Official | TerraZetzz | Kat Anonup – Update(S) Brunson versus Adams, This is your Chance + Nesara Gesara | Juan O Savin – Can You Do It?