Michiel Lieuwma | Open Geesten – Houellebecq versus KIRAC (3) Isa Moleman | The Girl  (English Subtitles)

Houellebecq versus KIRAC (3) Isa Moleman | The Girl  (English Subtitles) Published 4 mei 2023 Michiel Lieuwma Guest Isa Moleman Isa Moleman responded to A Call from KIRAC, Keeping It Real Art Critics to Share A Hotel Room Bed in Amsterdam with French Star Author Michel Houellebecq. She Agreed under the Specific Conditions that this was A Film Project by KIRAC. During the Filming Day, she Withdrew and Indicated that she did Not Want to Continue the Intimate Scenes. In this Episode, we will Delve Deeper into this Specific Case. What Initially Prompted Isa to Say Yes to this Specific Plan? What made her Hesitate and Withdraw at the Exact Moment? How does she View the Lawsuit Now that Houellebecq’s Lawyer demands that the Film Footage may Not be Used? Doesn’t Such A Ban Contradict her Initial Commitment to Intimacy with the Writer? About the Series Houellebecq versuss KIRAC. In this Special Series I want to Report on the Lawsuit between Michel Houellebecq on One Side and KIRAC, or Keeping It Real Art Critics, on the Other Side. Leading Up to the Judge’s Verdict in about Four Weeks, I want to Talk to Various Directly Involved Parties, in the Lawsuit … Meer lezen over Michiel Lieuwma | Open Geesten – Houellebecq versus KIRAC (3) Isa Moleman | The Girl  (English Subtitles)