Houellebecq versus KIRAC (6) Philip van den Hurk | The Mecenas (English Subs) Gepubliceerd 18 mei 2023 Michiel Lieuwma Guest Philip van den Hurk For Several Years, Philip van den Hurk has been A Consistent Patron of KIRAC. Since Then, he has Also been Frequently Featured in KIRAC Films. This Relationship does Not Proceed without Conflict. For Instance, Stefan Punched Him on Lesbos after he Reportedly Misbehaved. Despite This, Philip Remains Fascinated, and Notices that he Keeps Returning and Adjusting to his Role as the One Who has to Pull Out his Wallet. How does he View this Atypical Relationship he has Built with Stefan? What does he Get Out of It for Himself? And What can he Say about this Dynamic So We can Look at What’s Unfolding between KIRAC and Houellebecq in A Fresh New Way? About the Series Houellebecq versus KIRAC In this Special Series I want to Report on the Lawsuit between Michel Houellebecq On One Side and KIRAC, or Keeping It Real Art Critics, On the Other Side. Leading Up to the Judge’s Verdict in about Four Weeks, I want to Talk to Various Directly Involved Parties, In the Lawsuit and In the Making Process … Meer lezen over Michiel Lieuwma | Open Geesten – Houellebecq versus KIRAC (6) Philip van den Hurk | The Mecenas (English Subs)
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