Hasta la victoria siempre (foto YouTube) Boodschap van Helmin Wiels aan Nederlanders op Curaçao Gepubliceerd op 15 jul. 2013 Reacties https://youtu.be/Wf0BPe28qpI Helmin Wiels over belastingontduiking door Robbie’s SMS Loterij en United Telecom Services, 2 mei 2013 Gepubliceerd 1 okt. 2018 Knipselkrant Curaçao Helmin Wiels over de belastingontduiking door de SMS Loterij van Robbie dos Santos en UTS op 2 mei 2013, drie dagen voor zijn executie van 5 mei 2013 op het druk bezochte strand van Marie Pampoen. “The Netherlands comes equipped with built in island laundromats – Aruba, Sint Maarten and Curacao – and the Dutch speak English. Best of all, relaxed Dutch law means even if they get caught, there isn’t much anybody could do.“ Quote from The Sink | Crime, terror and dirty money in the offshore world Jeffrey Robinson, 2003. In English the Dutch Antilles financial offshore services do not only support tax evasion for multinationals, mainly they support tax fraud for international organised crime through a fiscal loophole created especially to conceal the world’s biggest illegal online eGaming network. Helmin Wiels was emphasising a money laundring scam by Robbie’s’ SMS Loterij within United Telecom Services. UTS is telecom government body hijacked by the financial offshore … Meer lezen over Konsenshi Sivil – Boodschap van Helmin Wiels aan Nederlanders op Curaçao + Helmin Wiels over belastingontduiking door Robbie’s SMS Loterij en United Telecom Services, 2 mei 2013
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