Joachim Hagopian – Pedophilia & Empire: Satan Sodomy & The Deep State (36) Netherlands: The Pedophile Kingdom and Sodom and Gomorrah of the Modern World (2)

Sodom and Gomorrah (foto Medium) Pedophilia & Empire: Satan Sodomy & The Deep State (36) Netherlands: The Pedophile Kingdom and Sodom and Gomorrah of the Modern World (2) Again, huge cover up of nasty players infested throughout the Dutch government and high society, scrambling desperately to cover up the world’s largest internet child porn bust in history at the time, with direct tentacles implicating lots of the most powerful sickos not just in Holland but the entire world. This child pornography web hub stumbled upon in Holland has direct links to the child sex slave network operating internationally by the pedo-crime cabal throughout Europe, Russia and the United States. And evidence of a list of worldwide VIP child porn customers was never followed up but simply suppressed. After all, those powerful players around the world of course had to be protected, that was the Dutch Justice Ministry’s job, hence the “slow response.” Under the unwanted glare of a growing number of cover up allegations, Justice Minister Winnie Sorgdrager reportedly fired all the top brass in her department except Joris Demmink. Meanwhile, journalists in both Netherlands and Turkey along with families of alleged Demmink victims have had their lives threatened, imprisoned and … Meer lezen over Joachim Hagopian – Pedophilia & Empire: Satan Sodomy & The Deep State (36) Netherlands: The Pedophile Kingdom and Sodom and Gomorrah of the Modern World (2)