CONFIRMED: Notre Dame was virtually unhurt by the fire, and any claims that it has to be “rebuilt” are hoaxes with a motive The hoax of Notre Dame: This hoax involved burning a wooden facade “roof” that probably kept water off a secondary roof and prevented freezing problems with the second roof, and NOTHING MORE. Unlike what you have been told by the scamming MSM, the cathedral would never have collapsed because the actual support for the cathedral was provided by the side arches, and the arches of an interior brick and concrete roof three feet thick. This secondary interior roof prevented damage to the inside of the cathedral, except where the spire (questionably, it likely had help) “fell through” it. The hoax about the cathedral being “destroyed” is now confirmed. Let’s get this party started. Here is how the wooden roof was attached. You can clearly see the concrete dome roof under it was supporting it, and now has less weight to hold with it gone and it would actually be less likely to collapse now provided the heat of the fire did not significantly damage it: Here is a picture of that burned wooden roof laying on top … Meer lezen over Jim Stone – CONFIRMED: Notre Dame virtually unhurt by the fire, claims it has to be “rebuilt” are hoaxes + EntertheStars RELOADED + Paris Side-by-side Through the Looking Glass
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