Go Wild | Barbara Puskas – Almendro Tree of Life

https://robscholtemuseum.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Tree-of-Life-Flowers-video-Telegram.mp4 Almendro Tree of Life Gepubliceerd 5 mei 201 Go Wild Almendro Tree must be the Most Impressive of All the Jungle Giants in Costa Rica’s Rainforest. From Root to Top, this Unique Tree Offers Habitats, Shelter and Nourishment to an Incredible Number of Creatures. Whenever an Almendro goes Down, Almost the Entire Community goes Down with it, Demonstrating the Fragility of Interdependent Systems. A Dramatic Example of this Principle is the Great Green Macaw. Wherever the Tree Disappears, the Parrot No Longer is Found. Reacties https://youtu.be/Fv8OtKa8dUw Meer informatie https://robscholtemuseum.nl/?s=Go+Wild https://robscholtemuseum.nl/?s=Barbara+Puskas https://robscholtemuseum.nl/?s=Almendro https://robscholtemuseum.nl/?s=Tree+of+Life https://robscholtemuseum.nl/?s=Rain+Forrest https://robscholtemuseum.nl/?s=Costa+Rico