Eric Zuesse – US Government Denies the History of the Ukraine War

US Government Denies the History of the Ukraine War America’s Associated Press refers to the Shangri La Defense Forum in Singapore as “Asia’s Premier Security Conference”. The US Secretary of Defense gave A Speech there on June 1st and said Something Very Important, but It wasn’t Reported in Any of the US and Allied News Media. It was, However, Reported by One Russian Government News Medium. In this exchange, the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was speaking in response to an assertion by A Chinese Journalist, Cao Yanzhong, who had stated that the “Eastern Expansion of NATO has Led to the Ukraine Crisis.” Austin disagreed. he replied “I Respectfully Disagree with Your Point that the Expansion of NATO Caused the Ukraine Crisis. The Ukraine Crisis Obviously was Caused because Mr Putin Made A Decision to Unlawfully Invade his Neighbor.” That crucial exchange was reported only by Russia’s RT News, “NATO Expansion Not to Blame for Ukraine Conflict, US Defense Chief”, which failed to point out that what Mr Austin said there is blatantly False, and that what the Chinese Journalist said that had sparked Austin’s reply was demonstrably and unequivocally True though the US Government had denied its being … Meer lezen over Eric Zuesse – US Government Denies the History of the Ukraine War