Eric Zuesse – Signs that Today Is History’s Turning Point + Alexandr Shakun – СБС “Николай Чикер” в свежую погоду

Tug Boat Endures a Stomach Churning Ride While Pulling a Russian Aircraft Carrier (foto Populair Mechanics) Signs that Today Is History’s Turning Point Apparently, Today, 15 February 2022, is the Day when US Hegemony – the Global American Empire, which Started on 25 July 1945 when the Cold War did – has Effectively Ended, and when the Global Balance of Power Eorldwide has Switched, from Being in the United States and it’s European Military Alliance NATO (the Collective “The West”), against Russia; to its Being, instead, in Asia (the Collective “The East”), in the Not Long Distant Future. The Immediate Preliminary for this Turning Point Happening Today was, Nick Parker, of Jeff Bezos’s Washington Post, and Jerome Starkey, of Rupert Murdoch’s The Sun, headlining, in Mr Murdoch’s Australian News.Com Website, “Russia to Attack Ukraine at Any Moment” and Announcing that “Vladimir Putin is Likely to Strike Without Warning – Possibly Tomorrow, The US Sun reports.” The First Sign of it Actually Happening Today is that (also on February 15th) Russia’s RT News Bannered “‘West has been Destroyed without a Shot Fired‘ Russia The Russian Foreign Ministry has Announced February 15 as ‘The Day Western Propaganda Failed’”, and Opened With Russia … Meer lezen over Eric Zuesse – Signs that Today Is History’s Turning Point + Alexandr Shakun – СБС “Николай Чикер” в свежую погоду