Eric Zuesse – Ryan Grim’s Great Reporting might be Breaking the Back of the US Dictatorship

Ryan Grim’s Great Reporting might be Breaking the Back of the US Dictatorship The U.S. Government and its news-media claim that they are a democracy and “lead the free world” (to use their now-anachronistic phrase, whose meaning ended when the Soviet Union did — it’s now purely a propaganda-phrase to promote regime-change by America’s Government anywhere in the world). However, Ryan Grim’s great reporting on the U.S. coup that had overthrown the extremely popular democratically elected leader of Pakistan and installed there a brutal stooge-regime of corrupt Pakistani generals — and that did this merely because this democratically elected leader had refused to buckle to the U.S. regime’s demand for him to condemn Russia and join the U.S.-imposed sanctions against Russia — demonstrates, now, for all the world to see, what ‘American democracy’ today is actually all about — which is conquest, and especially America’s craving to conquer Russia. What this is actually about is the possibility, at last, to collapse the largest empire that the world has ever known, which is today’s U.S. empire — an empire that, like all empires, is based on lies. Any empire is an international dictatorship, because each of its colonies loses its sovereignty … Meer lezen over Eric Zuesse – Ryan Grim’s Great Reporting might be Breaking the Back of the US Dictatorship