Eric Zuesse – PROOF, US Government DOES intend WWIII to ‘WIN’ All Out Nuclear War

PROOF, US Government DOES intend WWIII to ‘WIN’ All Out Nuclear War The US Government now clearly does intend A blitz all out nuclear attack simultaneously against Russia China, and possibly also North Korea, despite the scientific analyses showing that the consequence of such A WWIII will be at least A 50% die off of the entire planet’s human population within just the first two years after the explosions. On August 29th, MIT’s Dr Theodore Postol, America’s leading nuclear war scientist, headlined at The Quincy Institute, which is the leading think tank about nuclear war, “Biden’s ‘New’ nuclear strategy and the super fuse that sets it off, Biden’s ‘New’ nuclear strategy and the super fuse that sets it off, the Military is already upgrading warheads capable of fighting A war with both China and Russia simultaneously.” Dr Postol reports, Although Any Technically Accurate Assessment of the Physical Consequences of the Large Scale Use of Nuclear Weapons Instantly Shows that “Winning” A Nuclear War has No Meaning, the United States has Strenuously Emphasized the Development of Nuclear Weapons Technologies that Could Make Sense only If their Intended Purpose is for Fighting and Winning Nuclear Wars. The Super Fuze is Exactly that … Meer lezen over Eric Zuesse – PROOF, US Government DOES intend WWIII to ‘WIN’ All Out Nuclear War