Eric Zuesse – NATO Panics, Escalates Big Arms to Ukraine, US ‘Will Increase Artillery Production Sixfold’, Brian Berletic Only Military Industrial Complex’s Gain From All This

NATO Panics, Escalates Big Arms to Ukraine, US ‘Will Increase Artillery Production Sixfold’, Brian Berletic Only Military Industrial Complex’s Gain From All This On January 20th, the great American military and geostrategic analyst Brian Berletic, who has had a stunningly high percentage of his predictions turning out to have been 100% accurate, did a youtube at his “The New Atlas” Website, headlining “US, Allies Send More Weapons to Ukraine in Absence of Real Solution”, and it had been sparked by Berletic’s advance knowledge that America and its allies would probably decide to send to Ukraine some of the German-manufactured Leopard tanks and some of the U.S.-manufactured Abrams tanks. Near the end of his video, at 25:24 in it, he summarized what the prior portion had already documented to be the case: that these tanks will be useless to turning the tide of this war away from a Russian victory, and into a U.S.-and-allied victory. Then, on January 25th, came the announcements that America, Germany, and Poland, had, in fact, decided to do this (send those tanks to Ukraine), and the BBC reported that, “Germans endured months of political debate about concerns that sending tanks would escalate the conflict and make … Meer lezen over Eric Zuesse – NATO Panics, Escalates Big Arms to Ukraine, US ‘Will Increase Artillery Production Sixfold’, Brian Berletic Only Military Industrial Complex’s Gain From All This