Eric Zuesse – How the US Government targets Websites for Destruction
How the US Government targets Websites for Destruction Within just the past few weeks, two more websites that had been publishing some of my articles were shut down by the U.S. Government, and so I now am writing here about the various ways they do this (for any news-site that’s bold enough to publish it). In both of the latest two instances — the sites and — the blockage appeared to be the same. On 18 August, I received this notice from South Front: On the night of 18 August, the “international domain name registry” blocked without warning or explanation. Despite the fact that this organisation [by which they mean the “international domain name registry”] has been formally independent since 1998, it is actually controlled by the US Department of Commerce. What they have done is an unprecedented action in the history of modern information society. This is the American way of democracy, freedom of speech and the rule of law. Here is our official appeal — SouthFront.Org Blocked By U.S.-Controlled Global Internet SupervisorSouth Front We met that challenge as well. Now, our official website is Please spread this information as widely as possible. Sincerely yours, … Meer lezen over Eric Zuesse – How the US Government targets Websites for Destruction
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