Eric Zuesse – How Corrupt is America?

How Corrupt is America? By overwhelming Margins, the American People believe that their Government is Corrupt, and the Polling shows that the margins who believe this have soared from over 80% in 1976, to over 90% today. The American People overwhelmingly Distrust their Top ‘Elected’ Officials. Skepticism of the US Government’s Legitimacy is Very High, but whenever a Candidate comes along who condemns the US Government, not condemns Merely the Opposite Political Party, and proposes Basic Change to make it into a Democracy, the Voters Reject that Person, Perhaps because they’ve not been Taught the Distinction between Patriotism, on the one Hand, Which is to the Public, and Not to the Government, versus Loyalty or Nationalism, which is to the Government, and Not to the Public, on the other. It’s a Crucial Distinction, but None of the MainStream Media even mentions it, far less discusses it. In Other Words America’s MainStream Media, “Journalists” as shown in the above Linked to Source, who are the People that taught Americans what they know about the American Government today, are Almost as Highly Distrusted in the United States as the Top Government Officials themselves are. Essential Truths are Censored Out, and Establishmentarian Falsehoods … Meer lezen over Eric Zuesse – How Corrupt is America?