Eric Zuesse – Further Proof: US, UK, & France Committed War Crime on 14 April 2018
US, UK, and French ‘news’ media hide the fact, but it is now incontestably a fact, that they committed an international war crime on 14 April 2018. The OPCW (Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) does everything they can to hide this fact. Therefore, starting with the latest, and then proceeding in chronological order, with the earliest and then the subsequent ones that had been issued prior to that latest one, here are the real and verified news reports which have been published (none in the mainstream press), proving both this international war-crime, and the OPCW’s hiding of it: “Senior OPCW official ordered deletion of ‘all traces’ of dissenting report on ‘Douma chemical attack’ – WikiLeaks’ new leak” Friday 27 December 2019 The leadership of the chemical weapons watchdog [OPCW] took efforts to remove the paper trail of a dissenting report from Douma, Syria which pointed to a possible false flag operation there, leaked documents indicate. In an internal email published by the transparency website WikiLeaks on Friday [see it here:], a senior official [Chief of Cabinet] from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) ordered that the document be removed from the organization’s Documents … Meer lezen over Eric Zuesse – Further Proof: US, UK, & France Committed War Crime on 14 April 2018
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