Eric Zuesse – As Israel completes Its Extermination of the 2.3 Million Gazans, Latest Poll finds Overwhelming Support for It by Israel’s Religious Jews

As Israel completes Its Extermination of the 2.3 Million Gazans, Latest Poll finds Overwhelming Support for it by Israel’s Religious Jews On May 12th, Steven Sahiounie, whom I have Never Found to Report Falsely, Headlined “Israel invades Rafah and the Genocide will Be Completed with US Complicity”, and he Reported That, Steven Sahiounie – Israel Invades Rafah and the Genocide will Be Completed with US Complicity Dozens of Palestinians were Killed across Gaza as Israeli Warplanes and Artillery Attacked Overnight, following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Order to Seize the Rafah Border Crossing in Gaza. Israeli Warplanes dropped Leaflets in Eastern Rafah telling People to Flee and Move to what Israel Called A Humanitarian Zone to the North, as the Israeli Military Bombarded the Area. Israel has told Gazans to Move to A Coastal Section of Gaza for Months. But the UN has Said It is Neither Safe Nor Equipped to Receive them. Rafah, A City of Around 170.000 before the War, has Swollen to More than One Million as Gazans Driven from their Homes in Other Parts of the Enclave have Taken Shelter There. Conditions There are Catastrophic, with Inadequate Shelter, Sanitation, Medical Care, Food and Fuel. (…) This … Meer lezen over Eric Zuesse – As Israel completes Its Extermination of the 2.3 Million Gazans, Latest Poll finds Overwhelming Support for It by Israel’s Religious Jews