All lives matter! (foto tenor) Kneeing on the neck of the Statue of Liberty (foto Twitter Zeg NEE tegen Rascisme!!! (foto Twitter) We never had to hide in A bunker beneath the White House to protect us from the American people (foto Twitter) Der Feuerteufel: Ein Präsident setzt sein Land in Brand, Der Spiegel, No. 24, 6. Juni 2020 CandaceOwens @RealCandaceO Confession: #GeorgeFloyd is neither A martyr or A hero. But I hope his family gets justice. https://www.PSCP.TV/RealCandaceO/1MYGNklYaYZJw?t=10s Confession: #GeorgeFloyd is neither a martyr or a hero. But I hope his family gets justice. — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) June 3, 2020 Twitter, 3 jun. 2020 · 10:37 p.m. Gus Carioca @oh_acredito É difícil de acreditar. Mas É Minneapolis, EUA #antifa meu ovo #AllLivesMatters É difícil de acreditar. Mas é Minneapolis, EUA#antifa meu ovo#AllLivesMatters — Gus Carioca (@oh_acredito) June 7, 2020 Twitter, 7 jun. 2020 · 4:47 p.m. оливье неделька @hamlet_ru #AllLivesMatters #сидимдома #BlackLivesMatterPoland #AllLivesMatters #сидимдома #BlackLivesMatterPoland — оливье неделька (@hamlet_ru) June 7, 2020 Twitter, 7 jun. 2020 · 8:17 p.m. Vendetta is V @V_4_Vendatta Bekijk op #Periscope: 💥 PRESIDENT TRUMP IS IN DANGER 💥 https://PSCP.TV/w/caittzI1ODExMDZ8MU93eFdRZUxFTG5HUZS3imA8aPPqSkl0bbf-cJMXgzZ0uiy5HjJheeEmGfvD 🔥RT🔥 @rhowardbrowne @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino @DonaldJTrumpJr Follow … Meer lezen over Candace Owens @RealCandaceO + Gus Carioca @oh_acredito + оливье неделька @hamlet_ru + Vendetta is V @V_4_Vendatta + Melissa A. @TheRightMelissa + Xy5Z89 🇩🇪 🇪🇺 @Xy5Z89
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