British Pathé – The Coronation Of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, 1953 (1 & 2)

The Coronation Of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, 1953 (1) Published on 13 apr. 2014 The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey, London. Various dawn shots of Buckingham Palace, the lights go out on the Mall, Tower Bridge is silhouetted in the sunrise. Brief shot of Coronation Arches. Several shots of the large crowds of people that have camped out overnight on the streets, some are asleep others are looking cold and are wrapped in blankets. C/U of small child sitting down eating a sandwich, while a woman powders her nose, a woman drinks tea from cup, while a road sweeper cleans the road. M/S of Royal Trumpeters beginning fanfare. M/S of the Queen leaving the Palace, she walks down steps, Brief shot of the Duke of Edinburgh standing on steps. Nice L/S of Prince Charles (Prince of Wales) and Princess Anne (Princess Royal) are looking from Palace Window. M/S of Queen And the Duke in the Royal State Coach. Coach pulls away. SV. Queen and Duke seated in State Coach. SV. Coach pulling away. Pan with Queen and Duke. GV. Procession making it’s way round Memorial and up Mall. SV. Sovereign’s escort coming out of Palace. GV. Packed … Meer lezen over British Pathé – The Coronation Of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, 1953 (1 & 2)