American Media Group | Medeea Greere – Q & A about Med Beds, Everything You Need to Know about Everything You Need to Know about Med Beds

Q & A about Med Beds, Everything You Need to Know about Everything You Need to Know about Med Beds The Quantum Healing Technologies of Med Beds Q Any of us would like to purchase this technology to heal people in our local communities. First what kind of training does it take to operate a med bed and do you know anything about availability in the near future? A: First up what people need to understand is med beds are extremely advanced medical technology. At first med beds will only be available to specific healing centres and not available to purchase for your own clinic or home. Like all advanced medical technology there is quite a bit of training needed to safely use it including a substantial amount of knowledge regarding biological, medical, disease, etc. For someone with no medical training your looking at at least 12 to 18 months of training. When they are first rolled out, it will be used only by professional medical staff trained by the military personnel. Q: There are going to be a lot of us wanting to purchase them and as you said they are not for home but at a healing centre. … Meer lezen over American Media Group | Medeea Greere – Q & A about Med Beds, Everything You Need to Know about Everything You Need to Know about Med Beds