Tansu Çiller (foto Soz Kimin?) JORIS DEMMINK, HEROIN, PEDOPHILE RINGS In a court in Holland, a former Police Chief, Klaas Langendoen, has said that ‘Turkey blackmailed Joris Demmink‘ the former boss of the Dutch Justice Ministry. ‘Turkije chanteerde Justitie top met Demmink‘ De Telegraaf Translate this page Demmink has been accused of sexually abusing boys in Turkey. Langen doen, the former chief of the Dutch Criminal Investigation Department (CID), carried out an investigation in Turkey. The blackmail deal was arranged between former Turkish Prime Minister Tansu Çiller and the then Dutch Minister of Justice Winnie Sorgdrager. Hüseyin Baybasin Reportedly Turkey blackmailed Demmink so as to get a Kurd called Hüseyin Baybasin put in jail. However, reportedly Demmink was keen to prevent Baybasin talking about top peole and criminal activities and was happy to have Baybasin put in jail. Baybasin is linked to top Turkish Government officials involved in Heroin smuggling. He became active in the movement to gain greater autonomy for the Kurds and became an enemy of the Turkish Government. He took refuge in Holland but was later jailed by the Dutch. Strop om nek Joris Demmink trekt zich strakker, de Baybasin affaire Translate this page Joris Demmink allegedly … Meer lezen over Adam Curry – JORIS DEMMINK, HEROIN, PEDOPHILE RINGS