5 oktober 2023 0 Eric Zuesse – How Clearly Israel Is an Apartheid Country How Clearly Israel Is an Apartheid Country On July 11th, the Washington Post headlined “Sen. Tommy [...]
7 augustus 2023 0 Eric Zuesse – International Monetary Fund has ‘Loaned’ $ 115 Billion to Ukraine Without Requiring Any Proof Where It went International Monetary Fund has ‘Loaned’ $ 115 Billion to Ukraine Without Requiring Any Proof Where It [...]
16 november 2021 0 Eric Zuesse – COP26 Was Doomed Even Before It Began + Liberals’ Fraudulent ‘Environmentalism’ COP26 (foto news.youexec.com) Social issues (foto Giphy) Earth’s Sleeping Giants (foto ) COP26 (foto [...]
21 januari 2021 0 Eric Zuesse – How Billionaires Transfer Blame to Others The Sheldon Adelson Primary (foto Giphy) How Billionaires Transfer Blame to Others Throughout history, [...]
13 juni 2020 0 Eric Zuesse – Why does the public tolerate its biological Warfare? Biological Warfare (foto Rieas) International Biohazard (foto AUL LibGuides) Why does the public tolerate its [...]
24 mei 2020 0 Eric Zuesse – Israel an Enemy of America Rob Scholte S Zwart Licht in Tel Aviv (private foto) Israel an Enemy of America Do the American people gain [...]
23 maart 2020 0 Eric Zuesse – Triage Starts in Government Bailouts: Who will get the money? Bill Ackman announced a 3.7 percent investment in Hilton Hotels, sending its stock up nearly 6 percent [...]
15 juli 2019 0 Joachim Hagopian – Pedophilia and Empire (10): Anatomy of the Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile Operations Pedophilia and Empire (10): Anatomy of the Luciferian Elite’s Global Child Sex Trafficking Pedophile [...]
5 september 2016 3 Judi McLeod – Look to the Netherlands for Clinton Foundation’s ongoing source of cash It’s the ever-gurgling running water from the taps of the borderless Postcode Lotteries that’s enriching [...]